#7 Bus, Digital Photo, 2024

Artist’s Statement

I no longer see my art and myself as inextricably linked. I’m becoming increasingly more aware of how my art is an extension of myself. It’s like a sense.

I see
I smell
I sense
I art
I see light
I smell odours
I sense many things
I art beauty

I saw some chicken bones on the floor of the bus and wondered how they ended up there. Bare bones. Raw bones. Stripped of flesh. Perhaps some beautiful story unraveled in time right up until the moment I sat down. I wondered if I could capture the beauty of the moment. To share. Would people see a thousand words or social decay?

As I become more aware of my sense of art, I begin to play with it. I begin to orchestrate it. I see opportunities to paint the world beautiful.

Last night I went to buy herbs at the local dispensary. There was a young person ahead of me who wanted to make a small purchase but was short of cash. In that moment I thought to myself, “Writing the script of my life is part of living it”. (very meta) and I decided to write something. I simply said, “I can get that for you.” They said, “You don’t have to.” “I know”, I said and proceeded to tap and pay. They left a handsome tip. The lovely ladies behind the counter were taken by our generosity and so discounted my purchase. I left an attractive tip.

On the walk home, I thought how happy everyone was and that I painted the world pretty at the expense of a little corporate profit.

An open conversation

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