Gambling on Gratitude

I am starting to feel out of place writing about writing. For me, it creates a faux duality between artist and art. However, I do want to share that I have found bliss in writing a poker blog and show how it amplifies what I believe to be true.

I love that this endeavour mixes two things that I enjoy, poker and writing. It also pleases me that it’s being well received. I even had the host offer me some swag and a hundred bucks in tournament tickets if I continued for a while.

I love that the two passions play off of each other. Making each accountable to the other. I’ve committed to myself to write at least twenty blog posts on tournaments that I play in. When I play these tournaments, I want to both play well and recount well. My story telling is my gift, and I want that gift to be the very best I have to offer, otherwise it becomes insincere, and gratitude abhors insincerity.

Since I am truly grateful for their support, I become more generous in what I offer. I strive to be more creative, more entertaining, more helpful and as I do this, blessings materialize. I become grateful. I become generous, I am blessed.


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