I am at an impasse. At least I feel like I am.
After I wrote those two sentences, my mind wandered. I thought I would insert the picture to show how liberal and open I am. I feel compelled to share my bliss. To let people know that harmony can be found.
The picture is for a mock-up of a faux product I imagined. Something that popped into my head a few days ago. I was thinking of Maple Molly as a party pack. Something for four friends to have to sit and chill. It reminded me of my drug dealer. She’s not my drug dealer anymore. Now she’s a friend. I love it when people ask us how we met. I say, “She used to be my drug dealer.”
I thought that would be an interesting exchange in a film. So I wrote an outline.
Exterior cinema scene before the premier screening of a film.
An interviewer asks the hero and heroine questions to build a story that leads to the question, ” How did you two meet?”
He says, “She used to be my drug dealer.”
They all laugh and head into the cinema.
Scene: going through the lobby.
Scene: getting seats and film starting.
Dirty shot of the screen showing the film
The film is the exact start of this film.
Exterior cinema scene before the premier screening of a film.
We cut/zoom to a full clean shot
An interviewer asks of the co-stars questions to build a story (same? different?) up to, “how did you two meet.”
He says, “She used to be my drug dealer.”
They all laugh and head into the cinema.
Scene: going through the lobby.
Scene: getting seats and film starting.
—— This time
Hero needs to go to the bathroom
Scene: Philosophical discussion at urinal
Scene: Re-affirming conversation with a young lady at the popcorn stand.
Back in the cinema he sits and watches himself leaving and going to the bathroom
Heroine says, I can’t watch this.
Hero and Heroine exit the cinema.
Scene: outside the cinema with hero and heroine
Patrons exit in a parade of praise.
More interviews and story building outside the cinema.
Off screen voice, “Cut! And moving on.
Pull back to see a movie set … shooting the close-up of the scene we just saw.
Roll Credits
I am at an impasse. At least I feel like I am.
Hmmmm..would this be an absurdist type of thing?
What prompted you to write it?
Were you smoking pot when you wrote it?(LOL)
Inquiring minds want to know!!
If necessity is the mother of invention absurdity is its father.
Playing with spoiled food might be considered absurd but it has led us to discover sourdough and yogurt.
I’ve been on a path of exploring the convergence of creativity and self. I am nothing without creativity. I believe that creativity is all that is unquantifiable in the universe, connecting everything. As such, it has become my god, for lack of a better word. I don’t consider god to be a being capable of anything, yet it is capable of everything. Prayers will always go unanswered. Miracles will always happen. Besides, if you choose to believe in a deity, without creativity, they are less. A god requires creativity, creativity requires no god if you see it as one.
It’s been a while since I wrote anything, so I just sat down to see if I could make sense of my apparent lack of creative expression at this phase in my life. I know it to be a false distortion, a construct of the social fabric. The beauty of my physical being is constantly creating new cells as others waste away. That in and of itself is sufficient expression. But comparison makes me yearn for more, to find a place, to fit into a social hierarchy. It’s total bullshit.
I believe everyone and everything is an artist in their own right because of the cosmic connection of creativity. I am no more, no less, creative than a piece of steel that evolves to rust, a river that carves a canyon, morning glory opening at the break of day.
We have a greater consciousness than anything we have ever come across. As artists, we are compelled to share beauty, despite the lack of audience or appreciation. We are driven to do so by the creative energy of the universe. That which I call God. Whether it’s the air rusting a swing set, water carving the Grand Canyon, writing, painting, singing, or simply basking in just being and sharing our beauty to allow others to bear witness.
I may have had a wee puff of the herb but I think that’s irrelevant. And yes, I have questioned my sanity but the question disappeared with my need for comparison.
Thanks for asking.